I blame it on Twilight. In real life, vampires only sparkle when they're on fire.
Nikolai's a badass Russian. Badass Russians only have three emotions: revenge, depression, and vodka.
Fish and Wildlife wants to fine us for killing a giant mutant Tennessee River catfish because it was endangered. Sure it had just crawled up on land and eaten some teenagers, but it was still an endangered species.
There are three kinds of people in the world: people who can't believe anything, suckers who believe everything, and a few of us who can face the truth.
When all else fails, kill it with fire.
Their patch was a molecule with fangs under the words exite! chemicus sum! Which was Latin for, Back off, man! I'm a scientist!
You look into the abyss and the abyss looks back, I said, shrugging. Then you punch the abyss in the face.
I think that the law isn’t about words on paper. It’s about doing what’s right.
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