I decided on a film in English after a run of foreign films. I also thought that I would watch an older movie, one from the 1980s. I selected Lianna that stars Linda Griffiths, Jane Hallaren, and Jon DeVries. I found Lianna to be well acted, and way ahead of its time because the principal topic was about lesbianism. This was a taboo topic in the early 1980s.
Lianna is a film dealing with the coming out of a young woman in the midst of a failing marriage. Lianna is a 33-year old woman married to a self-centered college teacher and mother of two children. Though her family does not seem to greatly prosper, it would appear on the surface that Lianna lives a comfortable life. Just when her husband pushes things too far, Lianna starts up a sexual relationship with her night school teacher. Lianna cares enough for this woman that she becomes openly gay, and moves out of her home. She quickly learns that her coming out may cause more problems than she originally bargained for. She is forced to live in a tiny apartment and financially support herself. As one might expect, Lianna's children are somewhat alienated by their mother's new lifestyle. Additionally, Lianna's best friend no longer wishes to speak to her. And perhaps worst of all, the woman she came out for, does not wish to be committed to her.
I recommend this well-done, ground breaking movie.